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Farms and land in Marlboro County, SC hold unlimited investment opportunities due to its wealth of natural resources, experienced labor force and other amenities. Both state and local governments offer great economic development incentives to businesses locating on Marlboro County land. Manufacturing, outdoor sports and recreation, tourism, business and farming provide the county’s economic base. The county’s largest employers are Mohawk Industries, Marley Engineered Products and Domtar. The Great Pee Dee River runs through the Marlboro County, SC land that encompasses a 485-square-mile area that includes 90,245 acres of farm land, of which 31% is in woodlands and 62% in agriculture. Sixty-two percent of agriculture sales are of livestock and 38% of sales are from crops. Hunting and fishing are enjoyed by both residents and visitors. Woodlands and farm fields are the perfect places to bag white-tailed deer, turkey, dove and quail. Farm fields can be converted to impoundments after harvesting so that they attract ducks and geese. Fish species found in area lakes and rivers include bass and catfish, Bluegill and sunfish. Less than two hours from Charlotte, Myrtle Beach and Wilmington, Marlboro County provides its 26,000 residents a rural lifestyle with nearby big city offerings such as airports, theater and sports venues. Marlboro County School District provides K-12 public education, and higher education can be obtained at Northeastern Technical College.