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Farms and land in Pamlico County, NC in the Coastal Plain are sought after by investors and those wanting to live there or have a second home along the miles of shoreline. The 567-square-mile county has a population of 13,000 residents and is nestled between Beaufort, Craven and Carteret counties and near the Neuse River. Water covers 230 square miles of the county and includes the Bay, Pamlico and Neuse rivers and Jones Bay and the Pamlico Sound. The Town of Oriental is located on the Neuse River and is a popular stop-over for boaters traveling the Intracoastal Waterway. Sail boats and other recreational boats dock alongside fishing vessels at the harbor, which is ringed by marine-related businesses, stores and gift shops. There are no large private sector employers. Education and government services are the largest public employers. Farms cover 43,000 acres with crops producing 98% of the agricultural sales. Eighty-six percent of the acreage is in croplands and 10% in woodlands. Deer are plentiful, and many hunters enjoy the duck hunting there. Fishermen can add flounder, puppy drum, stripers and speckled trout to their stringers. A variety of larger shopping opportunities as well as a hospital, airport and a variety of entertainment are less than 30 minutes west in New Bern. Public education for K-12 is provided by Pamlico County Schools, and Pamlico County Community College offers higher education.