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Farms and land in Craven County, NC offer a wide assortment of opportunities for investors who want to start or move a business, developers looking for land to build money-making subdivisions and wannabe home owners looking for a new place to live. Situated in the Coastal Plain, Craven County, NC land covers 774 square miles and is home to 102,000 residents. About 81,000 acres of farm land is used for agriculture with 76% in crop land and 19% in woodlands, some ready to be timbered. Agricultural sales are almost evenly divided between crops and livestock and poultry. The largest employer in the county is government-owned Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station in Havelock. Some of the largest private companies are BSH Home Appliances Corp., Moen Inc., and Weyerhaeuser Co. Outdoorsmen enjoy boating, fishing and hunting the area. Fishermen go out on the local creeks and Neuse and Trent rivers to catch a long list of species including speckled trout and largemouth bass. Hunters can expect to see plenty of deer, but its claim to fame is bear hunting. New Bern, the county seat, is a popular place for visitors due to its rich cultural offerings and historic background. Tryon Palace Historic Sites and Gardens draws thousands of visitors each year. Craven County Schools provides public education for K-12. Craven Community College offers higher learning.