Do you dream about getting back to nature in your very own piece of rural paradise? Well, all you need to do is save—we’ll figure out the logistics. Land and Farms Realty has 40 years of experience in land and agricultural management, which we will happily use to help you Find Your Favorite Place. Situated between the stunning vistas of the Blue Ridge Mountains and the coast of the wide-open Atlantic Ocean, land in North Carolina, Virginia, and southeast South Carolina offers a warm climate with low tax rates, access to nearby city amenities, and limitless natural beauty.
Let us guide you back to your roots. Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina offer a wealth of competitively priced rural land for sale: recreational land, hunting land, timberland, houses with acreage, rural homes, and investment properties. Whether you’re looking for Virginia waterfront land, North Carolina houses with acreage, South Carolina timberland, or just a small-town farm to call your own, Land and Farms Realty can help you find the property of your dreams and help you get back to the land we all came from.
Rural land is a wealth of possibilities. Some people use it to enjoy the great outdoors, making memories with family and friends on their very own piece of Virginia hunting land. Others yearn for something like North Carolina recreational land, somewhere away from the hustle and bustle. Many are looking to make a living on a South Carolina agricultural property or rural home, while others seek to make good investments in timberland or real estate. Whatever inspires your search for rural land for sale, Land and Farms Realty is here to help you Find Your Favorite Place.
We integrate with 13 different MLS systems that feed your property to thousands of buyers and real estate professionals every day. Your property is automatically added to the leading online real estate marketplaces where millions of buyers are searching.
Real Estate is a service business and there are a lot of agents, brokers and companies to choose from in any market. A referral is the greatest compliment a person or an organization can be paid. If you do the right thing long enough, folks will remember, and the next time they need you, the phone will ring, a warm handshake will be exchanged, and trust will be given. We believe our future is built on the actions we take today and at Mossy Oak Properties Land and Farms Realty we never take an opportunity to serve for granted.
What defines us as people also defines us as a company. The priorities we place on what is most important in our personal lives translates to our workplace, into our communities, and beyond. Our faith, our families and our community are what matters most and the manner in which we conduct our daily lives reflects that. Living and growing up in a small town teaches you about giving of yourself, about the power of a good reputation, and the bond of your word. At Mossy Oak Properties Land and Farms Realty we look people in the eye, offer our hand in friendship, and do our best to earn your confidence.