3520 Sandfiddler Road, Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach

Virginia Beach, Virginia
0.6 acres

3520 Sandfiddler Road
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456
United States

This listing is provided by Sandbridge Coastal Real Estate.

Owner financing available! Over one half acre of oceanfront land! This huge lot has been tee'd up and is ready for the building process to start. A costly, state of the art, new bulkhead has already been installed. A survey has been completed. An experienced builder has designed a home and the site plan has been worked up. This design, or a version of it, can continue to fruition by having discussions with this local builder. When you build your dream home here, both the ocean and the bay views are going to be absolutely breathtaking! Investors know that oceanfront homes can fetch over 30k a week....but we all know that the endless views out over the Atlantic Ocean are priceless. No need to buy and tear down a perfectly good home when this lots is begging to be built on! If owner financing is desired, then the terms will be negotiated during the offer period.

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Last updated
May 25, 2024

3520 Sandfiddler Road
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456


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